Day View
Day view displays a single day of your calendar.

To view to earlier or later times in the current day, scroll up or down.
To scroll backward or forward one day at a time, click the left or right arrow button, swipe left or right with two fingers on a trackpad, swipe left or right with one finger with a Magic Mouse, or press ⌘-Left-Arrow
or ⌘-Right-Arrow
Changing Number of Hours Viewed
You can change Day view to show any range from 4–24 hours by going to BusyCal > Settings > General and choosing the desired number of
hours from the Day and Week views show pop-up menu.
Or hold down the option key
while swiping mouse up/down to zoom in/out.
Day and Week views independently remember your preferred number of visible hours
You can also change various display styles in Appearance Settings.
Changing Event / Task Times
You can select multiple events and drag them to change their start times. By default BusyCal will snap at 15-minute offsets. If you wish to drag with more precision, hold down the SHIFT key while dragging in order to snap to the nearest minute instead.
Creating Overlapping / Adjacent Events
In Day & Week View, you can easily create overlapping / adjacent events without modifying existing ones.
Simply hold down the ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option)
keys together, then click and drag anywhere on an existing event.
This allows you to place a new event next to it without affecting the original scheduling.
Creating Events In Between
BusyCal makes scheduling effortless by allowing you to CTRL+Click
(right-click) anywhere in between two events to
instantly create a new event in the available time slot. No need to manually adjust times—just click, create, and go!
BusyCal also allows other options when creating or editing events in week view using the context menu:
- Match Start to Previous End
- Match End to Next Start
- Create Event Matching End of Previous
- Create Event Between
- Create Event After Selection
Free / Busy Times
Events that have been marked as Free (i.e. the Busy checkbox has been unchecked in the Info Panel) will appear with a dashed colored border, while events that block your calendar will appear in solid colors.